Freddie I'm so sorry to hear of your lay offs. I have been off since October '08. I was also laid off for a year in 2006. (I have been working since I was 16 and never claimed unemployment until I returned to school and trained for a career in automotive design). I recently got a call from my contract house that I'm on the list that GM wants back. We were supposed to start 1-11 but were delayed while GM sets up user IDs, phone, etc. I don't know when/if I will start, but I hope soon. There is no guarantee so I remain "cautiously optimistic." Please say a prayer of thanksgiving for me and also a prayer for those still unemployed.
Freddie, you are not too old to return to school. I was in the process of retraining to school for training in another field when I heard about the possible return to my job with GM. The unemployed get special consideration for grants. I have almost enough credits for a masters degree, all paid for myself while working and going to school, so I am not one for hand outs. In these tough times you have to take help where you can get it. There was no way I could return to school and get training in another field on unempoyment. Look into a 2 year degree or trade school. There are some decent paying jobs that don't require a 4 year degree. I will post web sites with info as I find them in my mess of "favorites" Good luck!