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Patriotsstand up be proud

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1Patriotsstand up be proud Empty Patriotsstand up be proud Mon Feb 08, 2010 11:35 pm



I found this to be quite interesting;

This is very interesting and we all need to read it from start to finish
and send it on to everyone. Maybe this is why our American Muslims are so quiet and not speaking out about any atrocities. Can a good Muslim be a good American?

This question was forwarded to a friend who worked in Saudi Arabia for 20 years.

The following is his reply:
Theologically - no. . . .. Because his allegiance is to Allah, The moon God of Arabia .

Religiously - no. . . Because no other religion is accepted by His Allah
Except Islam (Quran, 2:256)(Koran)

Scripturally - no. . . Because his allegiance is to the five Pillars of
Islam and the Quran.

Geographically - no . Because his allegiance is to Mecca , to which he turns to in prayer five times a day..

Socially - no. . . Because his allegiance to Islam forbids him to make
Friends with Christians or Jews .

Politically - no. . . Because he must submit to the mullahs (spiritual
Leaders), who teach annihilation of Israel and destruction of America , The
great Satan.

Domestically - no. .. . Because he is instructed to marry four Women and Beat and scourge his wife when she disobeys him (Quran 4:34 )

Intellectually - no. . Because he cannot accept the American
Constitution since it is based on Biblical principles and he believes the Bible to be corrupt.

Philosophically - no. . . . Because Islam, Muhammad, and the Quran does not allow freedom of religion and expression. Democracy and Islam cannot co-exist. Every Muslim government is either dictatorial or autocratic.

Spiritually - no. . . Because when we declare 'one nation under God,' The Christian's God is loving and kind, while Allah is NEVER referred to As Heavenly father, nor is he ever called love in the Quran's 99 Excellent names.

Therefore, after much study and deliberation.... Perhaps we should be Very suspicious of ALL MUSLIMS in this country. - - - They obviously Cannot be both 'good' Muslims and good Americans. Call it what you wish it's still the truth. You had better believe it. The more who understand this, the better it will be for our country and our future.

The religious war is bigger than we know or understand. .......

Footnote: The Muslims have said they will destroy us from within.


2Patriotsstand up be proud Empty Re: Patriotsstand up be proud Tue Feb 09, 2010 2:45 pm



So true! Devout Muslims cannot be trusted. Their religion allows them to lie to infidels (anyone who is non-Muslim), therefore any political treaties or promises by them are absolutely worthless. This is why Israel's swapping of land for peace is such a mistake.

3Patriotsstand up be proud Empty Re: Patriotsstand up be proud Tue Feb 09, 2010 4:08 pm



They can and possibly will destroy us from the inside if we don't wake up and have some common sense. All the PC-ness and now giving terrorists the same constitutional rights as US citizens has got to stop. They know how to scream that their religious freedom is being violated. Remember the woman that made such a fuss about removing her berka face covering for an ID picture?

If these terrorists from Gitmo are allowed to have a civilian trial you will see how they use our system against us. It's in the AlQueda handbook.

4Patriotsstand up be proud Empty Patriot Tue Feb 09, 2010 7:10 pm




I couldn't agree with you more. I also think we need to put a freeze on imagrants from other countries until we can control our borders 100%.

I live Tacoma, WA, and the whole east side has become a little mexico. Thirty years ago, the only mexican's that could be found here were the ones that was born and raised here legally.

Happy Ponding,

Rich ex[maul] ex[maul] ex[maul] ex[maul] ex[maul]

5Patriotsstand up be proud Empty Re: Patriotsstand up be proud Tue Feb 09, 2010 9:14 pm



Consider yourself lucky, Oldmarine. Detroit area has the largest Arab & Muslim population in the US.

When I was working for one on the major US automakers and they remodeled the office building, they included a "meditation room" translation - where the Muslims go to pray during work. The outer room has little cubbies like a preschool but it is loaded with prayer mats. You can tell when the room is occupied by the shoes outside the door. To top it off across the hall they have a room with a slanted floor and drain and a hand held shower attachment where they can wash their feet before prayer. Even though it is a "meditation room - I think any Christian would feel intimidated to go there to pray. It was obviousily built to pacify the large Muslim population not only here but employed in the engineering and technology fields.




6Patriotsstand up be proud Empty Melring pot Tue Feb 09, 2010 10:10 pm



I don't like the idea that AMERICA is referred to as the 'melting pot of the world'. I think the pot is filling up with the waste of the world.

What's it really going to be like for our grandchildren? The thought scares me.


7Patriotsstand up be proud Empty Re: Patriotsstand up be proud Wed Feb 10, 2010 12:36 am



UCI (University of California at Irvine) here in Orange County has a large Muslim community. The Muslim students at UCI are very active and anti Israel. Numerous disturbances have occurred on campus courtesy of these Muslims. This last Monday the Israeli ambassador was an invited guest speaker. Muslim students disrupted his speech in an attempt to ensure he could not be heard. 12 Muslim students were arrested. http://collegelife.freedomblogging.com/2010/02/08/israeli-ambassador-xxxx-at-uci/15647/

These Adam Henry's have absolutely no respect for and are intolerant of the views of others.

8Patriotsstand up be proud Empty Re: Patriotsstand up be proud Wed Feb 10, 2010 7:53 am


Master Bullshitter
Master Bullshitter

Mobil brought a bunch of them in during the 80's to teach them how to work the refinery. People were told not to sit with your leg crossed over your knee because showing them the bottom of your foot was an insult.So.... we have to watch how we sit in our own country? Screw them!

They also built special bathrooms which consisted of holes that they could squat over, being as our toilet seats had been defiled by the naked asses that sat on them. One of them came running into the operators shelter, ran into the bathroom snd slammed the door shut. He left without saying anything. The next guy that went into the bathroom screamed "Come look at this.!"

The guy had stood on the seat, squatted over the toilet and whiskey shit all over the lid, then left the mess for the infidels to clean.

Several of them boarded at a retreat right here in Lumberton and the maid freaked out when she went to clean the shower, the floor was covered with blood. They had slaughtered a goat in there to cook.

9Patriotsstand up be proud Empty Re: Patriotsstand up be proud Wed Feb 10, 2010 3:25 pm



Dearborn, a suburb of Detroit has the largest Arab population in the US, but they are EV-RE-WHERE here in motro Detroit area.

Yes, folks this is in the USA. We are on our way to becomming an Islamic country if we don't stand up and quit allowing OUR rights as Americans to be taken away.



Arab Festival in Dearborn. Sounds like a nice family affair, right?


A Christian group went in and found out differently:


Here they are physically assulted and thrown out


Hamtramck, another Detroit suburb traditionally had a large Polish population now has the pleasure of listening to the call to prayer blasted over loud speakers 5 times a day, between the hours of 6 AM and 10 PM.


Last edited by fishlipsmcgee on Wed Feb 10, 2010 5:49 pm; edited 3 times in total

10Patriotsstand up be proud Empty Our Country Wed Feb 10, 2010 4:58 pm



I'm armed and ready, I'll go down putting up a good fight.

11Patriotsstand up be proud Empty Re: Patriotsstand up be proud Thu Feb 11, 2010 2:42 pm



I mentioned and shared a link to Muslims interrupting a speech by Israel's ambassador to the U.S. and the ambassador spoke to PJTV and briefly mentioned that incident noting that these Muslim students are trying to import to the U.S. the lack of free speech that exists in Muslim nations. http://www.pjtv.com/?cmd=video&video-id=3080

12Patriotsstand up be proud Empty Re: Patriotsstand up be proud Thu Feb 11, 2010 2:51 pm



Mikey wrote:I mentioned and shared a link to Muslims interrupting a speech by Israel's ambassador to the U.S. and the ambassador spoke to PJTV and briefly mentioned that incident noting that these Muslim students are trying to import to the U.S. the lack of free speech that exists in Muslim nations. http://www.pjtv.com/?cmd=video&video-id=3080

Oh, THAT'S what they were doing??? Could have fooled me. ex[doh]

13Patriotsstand up be proud Empty Re: Patriotsstand up be proud Thu Feb 11, 2010 4:24 pm



Does anyone think sanctions will work against Iran and can Iran and Israel ever really become friends? As for sanctions I suppose they might work if other countries all come on board w/ it but I thing the hatred for Israel is too great to overcome and besides I thought that according to the Bible it will not happen. Today is Feb. 11th. Has anyone heard of anything happening by Iran in regards to the great punch scheduled for today?[/quote]

Do Ithink sanctions will work against Iran and can Iran and Israel ever really become friends?

Has anyone heard of anything happening by Iran in regards to the great punch scheduled for today?

Ahmadinejad Says Iran Is Now a 'Nuclear State'

On the Islamic revolution anniversary, Iranian media releases happy photos of Ahmadinjad riding in a parade car — but what you won't see are violent clashes between police, anti-gov't protesters.

14Patriotsstand up be proud Empty Re: Patriotsstand up be proud Sat Feb 13, 2010 3:14 am



Joyce posted this over on Koiphen:

A lot of Americans have become so insulated from reality.
Absolutely No Profiling! Pause a moment, reflect back, and take the following multiple choice test.
These events are actual events from history. They really happened! Do you remember?

1. 1968 Bobby Kennedy was shot and killed by:
a.. Superman
b. Jay Leno
c. Harry Potter
d. A Muslim male extremist between the ages of 17 and 40

2. In 1972 at the Munich Olympics, athletes were kidnapped and massacred by :
a. Olga Corbett
b. Sitting Bull
c. Arnold Schwarzenegger
d. Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40

3. In 1979, the US embassy in Iran was taken over by:
a. Lost Norwegians
b. Elvis
c. A tour bus full of 80-year-old women
d. Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40

4. During the 1980's a number of Americans were kidnapped in Lebanon by:
a. John Dillinger
b. The King of Sweden
c. The Boy Scouts
d. Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40

5. In 1983, the US Marine barracks in Beirut was blown up by:
a. A pizza delivery boy
b. Pee Wee Herman
c.. Geraldo Rivera
d. Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40

6. In 1985 the cruise ship Achille Lauro was hijacked and a 70 year old American passenger was murdered and thrown overboard in his wheelchair by:
a. The Smurfs
b. Davey Jones
c. The Little Mermaid
d. Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40

7. In 1985 TWA flight 847 was hijacked at Athens , and a US Navy diver trying to rescue passengers was murdered by:
a. Captain Kidd
b. Charles Lindberg
c. Mother Teresa
d. Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40

8. In 1988, Pan Am Flight 103 was bombed by:
a. Scooby Doo
b. The Tooth Fairy
c. The Sundance Kid
d. Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40

9. In 1993 the World Trade Center was bombed the first time by:
a. Richard Simmons
b. Grandma Moses
c. Michael Jordan
d. Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40

10. In 1998, the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania were bombed by:
a. Mr. Rogers
b. Hillary Clinton, to distract attention from Wild Bill's women problems
c. The World Wrestling Federation
d. Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40

11. On 9/11/01, four airliners were hijacked; two were used as missiles to take out the World Trade Centers and of the remaining two, one crashed into the US Pentagon and the other was diverted and crashed by the passengers. Thousands of people were killed by:
a. Bugs Bunny, Wiley E. Coyote, Daffy Duck and Elmer Fudd
b. The Supreme Court of Florida
c. Mr Bean
d. Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40

12. In 2002 the United States fought a war in Afghanistan against:
a. Enron
b. The Lutheran Church
c. The NFL
d. Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40

13. In 2002 reporter Daniel Pearl was kidnapped and murdered by:
a. Bonnie and Clyde
b. Captain Kangaroo
c. Billy Graham
d. Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40

15Patriotsstand up be proud Empty Extremists Sat Feb 13, 2010 10:48 am



You would think that this information alone would be enough evidence to give us (US born citizens) enough reason to round them all up and send to China to work as laberors. China wouldn't put up with their crap for two seconds. We can only imagine what China would do to them.

Rich ex[flag] Yes, I'm a flag waving red blooded, American Patriot.

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